Youth Football & Cheer Club
Lincoln Youth Football & Cheer Club
2022 Season Handbook
Welcome to another exciting year of Lincoln Youth Football and Cheer. It is a pleasure to have you and your son/daughter as a part of the program. We truly hope this year will be a great experience for our club and your family!
The LYFCC encourages you to become an active member. Parent involvement has been a driving force in our program in the past. Only your assistance can ensure the continued success of our program this season.
We would also encourage you to get to know one another. It has been our experience that a good rapport among parents leads to a good rapport among players. A strong camaraderie among players can only enhance our team's chances for success. In the past, positive parent support for our club has been exceptional; participation in homecoming events, completing volunteer obligations and open and honest communication are some examples of their support. The special things parents do for the program mean a great deal to the football players, cheerleaders, coaches and board members.
As proud parents of Lincoln Football players and Cheerleaders, we hope you will represent Lincoln positively by sitting together at the games and not only cheer for your son and daughter but for the children of all the parents who are making the same commitment and sacrifice you are.
As board members, we are aware that there are times when parents have concerns. If you have a concern regarding the program or if we can assist you in anyway, we encourage you to contact any coach or board member. A parental concern raised will first be referred back to the source for resolution. We can then work together to meet and resolve the concern.
Again welcome to the program, we look forward to a great season!
Lincoln Youth Football and Cheer Club Board
Code of Conduct
Our goal is to help develop young men and women by providing an environment where they will have fun and develop the values of sportsmanship, teamwork, commitment and hard work. We encourage scholastic achievement and family involvement while acting as consistent and caring role models. We commit to the following coaching expectations:
Organized practices.
Speaking with confidence and purpose.
Being consistent, setting parameters and expectations for participants.
Encouraging sportsmanship.
Encouraging teamwork.
No bullying, name-calling, offensive speech or the use of vulgar acts, obscenities or gestures.
No threats, intimidation, taunting or disrespect.
No possession, consumption or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs.
No smoking on school grounds.
No fighting, theft of property or personal items.
Refer any guardian or coach complaints to the President or any Board Member.
Reporting any rules violations to the President or any Board Member present.
Following KVYFC Rules and Bylaws
Set a good example with your courteous behavior toward the children and parents of kids on the other team.
Using words of encouragement from the sidelines. Don’t bad-mouth coaches, players or game officials.
If you have a serious concern about the way that games or practices are being conducted, or if you’re upset about other parents’ behavior, discuss it privately with the coach or a board member.
Parents and Guardians are not to enter a game or practice field at any time unless called upon by a coach or board member. This could result in our club being penalized.
Please no standing along the bleacher guardrails. This obstructs other parent’s views and we want all spectators to have view of all athletes.
During practice times parents and guardians are to remain 100 feet from the practice field at all times. No conversations with your child during practices (Unless there is an emergency). This is the time to build a team and we expect them to participate with their team.
Everyone on Lincoln School property will be required to follow the Rules of Conduct set forth by the Lincoln School Board.
No smoking on school grounds.
No Dogs
No possession, consumption or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs.
No fighting, theft of property or personal items.
The Lincoln Youth Football and Cheer Club is responsible for the practice and game fields at the Lincoln High School facility. Anyone found violating the rules may be asked to leave the field, stands, or school grounds at the discretion of the LYFCC board.
No parking along the roads or curbs at the practice field. Your vehicles may be towed at your expense.
LYFCC needs you! We have developed a fair volunteer policy which will allow all families to participate in our program. Our parents and community run this organization which means each parent/guardian is expected to volunteer for at least three duties during the season. Duties may include but are not limited to concessions, 50/50, chain gang, announcer, spotter, etc. We will have an online volunteer website setup and it will be posted on Facebook or accessible from our website and sent in email. It is imperative that you sign in with the volunteer coordinator at the Concession Stand at the start of the event for which you are scheduled to volunteer in order to receive credit for your volunteer time. Anyone 16 years of age or older can fulfill volunteer requirements. You will receive a reminder about your volunteer obligations via email at SignUpGenius.com, please be sure to supply your email address when you register.
All player/cheerleaders parents are required to do volunteer hours, no one is exempt. You must volunteer 3 times each season for the first child, 2 additional times for the second child and 1 additional time for the third child. Any additional children do not require volunteer commitments.
If you do not show up for your volunteer commitment, you could delay the start of the game or cause the came to be forfeited.
If you do not fulfill your volunteer obligations, you will not receive a refund of your equipment/volunteer deposit at the end of the season.
1 Volunteer Credit = Full Duration of 1 Game
Volunteer Coordinator: Mara Carter
Kensington Valley Youth Football
Brighton Bulldogs
Hartland Eagles
Howell Highlanders
Lakeland Broncos
Lincoln Railsplitters
Milford Mustangs
Pinckney Pirates
Saline Hornets
South Lyon Panther
Washtenaw Wolverines
Program Costs
All costs associated with running the LYFCC program are primarily covered by registration fees, fundraisers per season and sponsorships by local businesses.
Instructional Football/Cheer
1st/2nd Grade
Freshman Football/Cheer
3rd/4th Grade
JV Football/Cheer
5th/6th Grade
Varsity Football/Cheer
7th/8th Grade
**Please note: All registration payments are paid through civicrec located at splittercommunity.com**
Equipment Issue
Equipment will be issued during the month of August. At that time your volunteer/equipment deposit of $100 will be due in order to receive your equipment. There will be NO exceptions. All volunteer obligations must be met and equipment returned in good condition to receive your deposit refund.
Approximate replacement costs of uniforms are: Football $565 / Cheer $400
This deposit will be returned at the end of the season upon completion of volunteer obligations and uniform returned in good condition. (Also see page 6 for equipment turn in)
**Please note we accept cash, check and credit card. However, there is a $3.00 fee for using credit card for the uniform deposit.**
Equipment Turn In
Equipment will be collected after the last event of the season for football and cheer (dates will be announced near the end of the season). Deposit money will not be refunded if all items are not returned. All necessary actions will be taken to obtain equipment that has not been returned, including police reports etc. If actions are taken to collect equipment, and it is still not returned then the fee to replace the football equipment is $ 565.00 and the fee for cheer is $400.00, plus court/collection expenses.
**Your uniform MUST be turned in the week after the last event for your team. If you do not, you will forfeit your equipment fee (even if you did your volunteer hours). Please be prompt in returning your uniform.**
Uniform Requirement
Jewelry and Make-Up may NOT be worn by any football player or cheerleader during any practice or game.
Football Players Complete Uniform:
Provided to you:
Helmet, Shoulder Pads, Knee Pads, Thigh Pads, Rib Protector, Practice Pants, Practice Jersey, Game Jersey, Game Pants, 1 pair Game Socks, 1 Mouth Piece (Must attach to helmet).
Note: Please no hair dye for the season as this does stain the inside for future players
Provided by you:
Football Cleats. Molded and Screw in cleats are both permitted. Screw in cleats must be ½ “size and must be replaced if any metal is showing. METAL CLEATS ARE NOT PERMITTED.
Athletic Support/Cup
Hip Pads
Tailbone Pads
Warm clothing for under uniform when it gets cold.
Additional mouth guards can be purchased at any sporting goods store or from the equipment manager. Any prescription glasses, eye shield or visor attached to any player’s helmet must be clear in color, transition lenses are not permitted (transitional glasses are allowed with the proper medical documentation to the board). Please consult with your Head Coach if you are unsure about an item.
Parents will need to provide a water bottle for your child for games and practice.
Cheerleaders Complete Uniform:
Provided to you:
Cheer Top and Skirt, Hair Ribbons, and backpack (only upon first year).
Provided by you:
Practice Shoes.
Approved White Cheer Shoes for Game/Competition which MUST be clean.
Warm clothing for under uniform when it gets cold.
Sweatshirt, Socks, Mid-drift turtleneck, Spanks, Black Yoga Pants, Poms & Clear Pancho (Cheer Package will be available until 8/12/22)
We require that all cheerleaders wear NO metal or glitter of any kind in their hair. Shoulder length hair and longer must be pulled back away from the face in a ponytail or braid. NO make-up of any kind is allowed. Nail polish is NOT permitted and nails must be kept trimmed. Clothing items with zippers, hoods, snaps, or loose-fitting V-neck openings and pockets will not be worn during practice when performing stunts. At no time are hoods allowed while stunting.
Laundry: ALL uniforms – FOOTBALL AND CHEER, should be washed and line dried or hung to dry, NOT dried in the dryer. Make sure to put stain removed on any spots. Practice pants must be washed on a regular basis. Pads CANNOT be washed in the washer or dried in the dryer, hand-wash ONLY.
Refund and Withdraw Policy
In order to protect the financial stability of the Lincoln Youth Football & Cheer Club, we have a NO REFUND policy. However, the board will review all refund/withdrawal requests according to the following rules:
Due to our early registration process for veterans and new players to return to our club, we accept withdrawals after conditioning with 50% refund of the registration fee up to August 8th.
After the first day of practice – NO refunds. **See below**
If a player becomes injured through the first game and cannot finish the season with for example, a broken leg or broken arm a 50% registration refund could be given at the discretion of the Board with any injury form filled out and a diagnosis from a Doctor.
**Any refund or withdrawal requests after the first day of practice must be submitted via a written request to the board with the reason for the withdrawal. The LYFCC board will determine if the refund will be approved and the monetary value**
Please remember that we are a community based program and funds are being used throughout the year to make preparations for the following season.
Club expenses include but are not limited to the following:
Equipment Maintenance
Official Fees
KVYFC Membership
Coaches Training
New Equipment and Uniforms
Homecoming Game
Year End Party
Due to high costs involved with running a Youth Football/Cheer Club, we will have several fundraisers during the season. The following are a list of scheduled fundraisers:
Home game cost for anyone attending is $3 and Away game will up to each home team
Picture Banners
50/50 Raffle at home games
SHOUT OUT to your favorite player at all home games (cost $1 per shout)
Lincoln wear/gear
**subject to additional changes**
LYFCC Website
We have developed a website and Facebook page to provide our parents with up to date information during the season and off season. Be sure to visit our pages regularly.
Like us on Facebook – Lincoln Youth Football & Cheer Club
Join our Remind group for the most up to date information, especially quick weather updates (Please only join 1 of the groups):
Cheer = https://www/remind.com/join/lyfccc
Football = https://www.remind.com/join/lyfccf
First official practice is Monday, August 8th 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Conditioning starts August 1st – August 5th, Monday - Friday - 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Instructional Football 3 days August 2nd – August 4th
Mandatory practices start Monday, August 8th: Your child must have 4 conditioning days of practice before the official hit/tackling day. Instructional Football 3 days and starts August 9th
Conditioning starts August 1st – August 5th, Monday - Friday - 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Instructional Cheer 3 days August 2nd – August 4th
Mandatory practices start Monday, August 8th: Your child must have 4 conditioning days of practice before tumbling/stunting. Instructional Cheer 3 days and starts August 9th
Once school begins, we will practice three days a week Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 6:00PM to 8:00PM for all teams. Later in the season practice times will change to 5:30PM-7:30PM due to it getting darker earlier. LYFCC will provide information the week prior to the official change.
Players are NOT allowed to leave the practice area without permission from the coach. Parents must pick kids up from practice fields. Please make sure players use the restroom prior to practice. This minimizes disruptions during practice times. Parents must park and exit vehicle. Kids will NOT be allowed beyond the gate after practice without seeing parent/guardian present. Players should be on time in FULL gear and on the field ready to practice at the start time specified. (This means 5 minutes early)
Practice may be cancelled at any time due to weather conditions. You will be notified by REMIND up to practice start time. We ask that you not message or text coaches OR board members asking if practice will be cancelled.
During practice times parents and guardians are to remain 100 feet from the practice field at all times. No conversations with your child during practices (Unless there is an emergency). This is the time to build a team and we expect them to participate with their team.
Because we strongly believe that practice time is important, the following guidelines will be used in the event of a player missing practice:
Excused absence – You must notify your coach 24 hours before. Religious education, required school functions and doctor visits (with doctor’s note) are excused absences. Emergencies are understood.
Excused absence not listed above – Discretion of Coach
Unexcused absence – Will result in loss of game time.
Attendance will be taken/reported daily. Be at practice on time and ready to practice.
One unexcused absence in a week will result in the forfeiture of participating in ¼ of that week’s game.
Two unexcused absences in a week will result in the forfeiture of participating in half of the game that week.
Sick Players should stay home, please let your coach know.
Game Time
We will play a minimum of 7 or 8 games. 3/4 games will be home and 3/4 games will be away.
The players are asked to be there 1-2 hours before game time for warm-up, weigh-ins etc. Once a player weighs in at a game, he or she cannot add or remove any clothing. Home games are held on the Lincoln High School Football Field. You must provide transportation to all games. Games will be played on a Saturday as determined by the schedule provided by the league.
Players/cheerleaders will be required to play/cheer in any playoff games should the particular squad make it that far.
Copies of schedules and directions will be provided for away games by coaching staff, board members or the team unit director. You can find detailed game rules on our Club website www.LYFCC.org or League website www.kvyfc.com
Once a year as a club, we make one game more special than others. We take some special time to recognize our club members and parents. We celebrate this in many ways including:
Special on field presentation for players and parents.
Parents are encouraged to make a poster for their children and hang them on the fence surrounding the field.
Basket Raffle – each team “hosts” one themed basket and parents are asked to donate items to add to the basket.
As a club we are open to other fun suggestions for other ways to make this day special. Please share any suggestions with any board member.
End of Season Celebration
LYFCC will hold an End of Season Celebration for all players and immediate family. More details and information will be provided later in the season.